

时间 2024年5月5日 预览 17


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来听听这首,2004年欧洲杯来自Bob Marley的Soul Shake Down Party(Hotsnax Remix)
歌词:We gonna have a soul shakedown party tonight!
We gonna have a soul shakedown party tonight!
We gonna have a soul shakedown party tonight!
We gonna have a soul shakedown party tonight!
The way you love-a me, huh!
It"s all right!
When you put your lovin" arms around me, and you hold me tight -
This is my invitation:
I got the special vacation;
I need your concentration
Just to feel your vibration
At that soul shakedown party
We gonna have a soul shakedown party tonight!
Jane is in the back yard
Doin" the outside dance;
I"m tellin" you the other day,
She didn"t even get a chance!
But this is my invitation:
A just-a special vacation;
I need your concentration
Just to - just to - just to (vibration) just to:
(Soul shakedown party tonight) Baby, I need you tonight!
We gonna have a soul shakedown party tonight!
Hit it, brother, y"all!
The way you love-a me,
it"s all right! (It"s all right)
When you put your lovin" arms around me (arms around me),
and you hold me tight (hold me tight).
This is my invitation:
I got the special vacation;
I need your concentration
Just to feel your vibration.
At that soul shakedown party tonight!
We gonna have a soul shakedown party tonight! Uh!
Swing with me, baby!

(Soul shakedown party tonight: http://www.96011.com/mp3/Goalmp3/20051205122115968.mp3


1、利物浦《你永远不会独行》(You"ll Never Walk Alone)是由英格兰利物浦足球俱乐部创作的歌曲,这也是德国多特蒙德足球俱乐部队歌,“You"ll Never Walk Alone”,这句话也被刻在安菲尔德球场外的香克利大门上。

2、曼联《光荣属于曼联》(Glory Glory Man United)这首歌的曲调来源于描写美国内战的《共和国战歌》。在上个世纪50年代,这首歌被苏超的希伯尼安队首先改编作队歌。在83年足总杯决赛前夕,这首歌也被曼联队采用。

3、南安普敦《圣徒勇往直前》(When the Saints go marching in)除了南安普敦将其作为官方认可的队歌之外,由于曲调美妙,这首歌在热刺、斯托克等球队的球迷中也颇受欢迎。

4、曼城队《蓝月亮》(Blue Moon)这首歌旋律美妙,歌词朗朗上口,歌曲本身具备很强的传唱性。除了猫王外,鲍勃·迪伦以及前绿洲乐队Oasis的主唱盖勒格都曾翻唱过这首歌。

5、切尔西《蓝色,我们的本色》(Blue is the colour)1972年切尔西球员彼得·奥斯古德、罗恩·哈里斯创作,队歌朗朗上口,透彻出切尔西球迷对本球队的喜爱。

6、阿森纳《阿森纳之歌》(Hot Stuff)

7、热刺《加油热刺》(Come On You Spurs)



Can You Hear Me(欧洲杯主题曲)My Lover"s Gone 还是听可以的


赛事: 在线直播

